Senin, 02 Desember 2013

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custom home on South Sulawesi

Tongkonan is a traditional house Toraja society . The roof is curved to resemble a boat , consisting of bamboo structure ( currently partially tongkonan using tin roof ) . On the front there is a row of buffalo horn . The inside of the room used as a bed and a kitchen . Tongkonan usedas well as a place to store the bodies . Tongkonan derived from the word tongkon ( meaning sit together) . Tongkonan divided by level or role in society ( social stara Toraja Society ) . In front there tongkonan granary , called ' grass ' . Poles granary is made from the trunk of a palm tree ( banga ) is currently partly already casted . At the front of the barn there is a variety of carvings , including a picture of chicken and sun ( called pa'bare ' allo ) , which is a symbol to complete the case .Particularly in Sillanan - Pemanukan ( Tallu Lembangna ) known as Ma'duangtondok there is Tongkonan tongkonan Karua ( eight home tongkonan ) and Tongkonan A'pa ' ( four home tongkonan ) that play a role in the surrounding community .
Karua Tongkonan consists of :

Tongkonan Pangrapa ' ( Kabarasan )
Tongkonan Sangtanete Jioan
Tongkonan nosu ( To intoi masakka'na )
Tongkonan Sissarean
Tongkonan Karampa ' Panglawa desert
Tongkonan Tomentaun
Tongkonan To'lo'le Jaoan
Tongkonan To Barana '
Tongkonan A'pa ' consists of :

Tongkonan Peanna Sangka '
Tongkonan To'induk
Tongkonan Karorrong
Tongkonan Tondok Bangla ' ( Pemanukan )
Many traditional houses in Sillanan tongkonan it is said , but according to local people , that is to say tongkonan only 12 as noted above . Other custom home banua pa'rapuan . Tongkonan said in Sillanan are custom homes where derivatives play a role in the indigenous population. Descendants of tongkonan describe the social strata of society in Sillanan . Example Tongkonan Pangrapa ' ( Kabarasan ) / government authorities . If there are people who died and were deducted two buffaloes , a buffalo 's head was brought to Tongkonan Pangrapa ' to be divided derivatives .
Stara Sillanan social communities in the top three levels, namely :

Ma'dika ( blood blue / royal line ) ;
To macaques ( the free / free ) ;
KAUNAN ( slaves ) , slaves are further divided into 3 levels .

History Kabarasan :
At first Kabarasan held by Tintribuntu domiciled in andes Lalanan ( andes custom homes west ) . Her son then Tintribuntu namely Tome mating with children of Tongkonan Sangtanete Jioan ( Tongkonan Sangtanete east ) . Until maintained by Paara Pong ' in Sangtanete Jioan . After Pong Paara ' death (no children ) , finally emerging brave of Prayer ' ( traditional house of prayer ' ) is So'Padidi ( aka Pong Arruan ) . Kabarasan dipindahkann to Prayer ' . Weak power in Prayer ' after So ' Padidi died , because all children are 3 women , so it appears that says that the ruse can be deducted buffalo 3 tails . Because buffalo sacrificed minimum is 4 , then Prayer ' considered incapable of holding power . Finally brought to Tonngkonan Boroalla Pangrapa ' , until now .

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